
Address: 16 Ridgeview Avenue, Greenwich, CT

Services: General Contracting

Construction Type: Education – K-12

Size: 4,500 sf

Contract: $1,900,000

Architect: Patriquin Architects

Project Description:

  • The project involved the demolition of an existing structure and the construction of a new 4,500 square foot building to hold two classrooms, support space, and a three bedroom apartment.
  • Exterior of the building has two distinct architectural styles. The front is designed to look like a single-family house with white clapboard while the classrooms in the rear are more modern with large areas of glass and unstained siding.
  • Major challenges included working on an occupied site in close proximity of the operational pre-school and a tight schedule dictated by the school calendar. The new structure was completed over one winter.
  • Phase one was the installation of temporary classrooms, utility connections, temporary access paths, and the demolition of an existing wood framed classroom building.
  • The second phase involved the addition of the new structure. The ground floor has an entry lobby with lockers which leads to two 700 square foot classrooms with separate entry halls and restrooms.
  • The second floor has a three bedroom faculty apartment with its own private entry, large kitchen and dining area, study nook, two restrooms, and attic storage space.
  • The final phase included the removal of the temporary classrooms which required the reinstallation of an existing playground, final grading and landscaping of the site.

Property Map