Group photo courtesy of Greenwich Historical Society. Property photos ©2018 Durston Saylor.

The CT Trust for Historic Preservation recently presented their 2019 Merit Awards. Greenwich Historical Society and the project team were among six honored. A.P. Construction completed the historical renovation and construction of the Greenwich Historical Society’s reimagined campus, located in Cos Cob, Connecticut.

The Connecticut Trust’s merit awards for 2019 recognize the grit, sweat, brains, and investment of the individuals behind the rescue, re-use and/or recycling of six historic Connecticut places. Together these projects have empowered volunteers, created jobs and homes, proclaimed civic values, and strengthened communities.

The Greenwich Historical Society expanded its campus by restoring “Toby’s Tavern”—immortalized by artist Childe Hassam—for use as a visitor center and by constructing a new archives and gallery complex, its design inspired by former outbuildings on the site. These structures further the society’s mission and revitalized a place that inspired Impressionist artists. The project team: Greenwich Historical Society; David Scott Parker Architects; A.P. Construction; and Peter Malkin.

From left: Dimitri Seferidis, Project Manager, A.P. Construction; Nick Everett, EVP and Director of Business Development, A.P. Construction; John Wasilewski, Associate Principal, David Scott Parker Architects; Debra Mecky, Executive Director and CEO, Greenwich Historical Society, and David Scott Parker, President, David Scott Parker Architects.