Address: 969 Lake Avenue, Greenwich, CT
Services: Construction Management
Construction Type: Education – K-12
Size: 6,200 sf
Architect: James G. Rogers Architects
Project Description:
- Construction of a two-story, out-of-the-ground classroom and science lab addition with a basement. The 60-foot square building was constructed in the available 100-foot square area.
- The science classroom featured custom laboratory furniture and science equipment. A design technology classroom featured extensive data systems and audio/visual systems.
- Sustainable features included rooftop photo voltaic panels which will provide 8,640 watts of 120-volt power.
- The permitting process took longer than expected, causing steel and other materials to arrive and require storage before the building permit was received.
- Unsuitable soils and a high ground-water level were discovered within the building footprint. The site required that we maintain a 30 gallon/minute underground water pump while a slab drainage system was installed. A.P. Construction identified this ground-water issue and assisted the design team in developing options and budgets for waterproofing systems.
- Due to the installation of a deep storm line which cut off access to several buildings, the fire marshal required the construction of a temporary access road. Despite this and additional site work delays, building construction was completed on time and under budget.
- Construction management services included: budgeting, value engineering, subcontractor bid and award, safety and logistical planning, pre-purchase program, scheduling and construction.